Wartime Industry (v1.11)

Turn: 1/30 | Score: 0 HELP
The goal is to build the best industry (factories + sufficient amount or workers/machines), it gives the most score at the end of the game.
Also unused resources (up to 5 times the resource consumption per turn) at the end gives points.

* Launch offensives to get resources (especially at the beginning).
* Produce Factories at the beginning.
* Do not conscript workers unless you need bigger army right now.
* Later, when you have shortage of workers, produce Machines since these can replace workers.
* Do not let your army run out of ammunition!

Population: 200 (Workers: 50 Unemployed: 150 Soldiers: 10)
Machines: 0   (each machine can replace 1 worker, max 1 machine per worker)
Factories: 5/5   (operational/total; 10 workers per factory required, 1 resource per factory required)
Resources: 30 (6 turns)   (each operational factory uses 1 resource per turn; resources stockpiled for 6 turns of production)

Soldiers: 10
Weapons: 20
Ammunition: 300

Switch production to: [Factories] Machines Weapons Ammunition
Conscript 20 workers into army
Launch an offensive (once per turn, expected 3 enemy soldiers)
End Turn

Restart (all progress will be lost!)