Legends of Amberland coming to Nintendo Switch

It’s official now, Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown is coming to Nintendo Switch this year!

In the last year I was pestered by various individuals about the Nintendo Switch. They claimed it would be a sure hit on Switch. For me, never really playing on consoles, it was a black magic and I was kind of sceptical. But why not I thought, if it was to be someone else doing the port I could go for it. Shortly after I started looking for someone to do the port, I was contacted by a mysterious company called Pineapple Works. They preyed their eyes on Amberland for a while and were just waiting for the right time to make the offer. They were quite enthusiastic about it and the deal was fair and decent. So, I went with it.

Soon after, when we met at GIC in Poland, they handed me their Nintendo with Legends of Amberland running. I started to play and… then it instantly struck me, IT MIGHT WORK! No, IT WILL WORK! If someone like me, who never owned a console could instantly go into it and play it and it was so flawless, and mind you it was just a quick dirty tech version for my eyes only, then how it will be perceived by people who know how to play and after it’s finished and polished? That’s the time when I believed in it.

Many months later, after a long and uneasy journey they said the Nintendo Switch version is ready. One thing I would like to mention and assure you is that I was involved in the process and I can guarantee that the story and gameplay was not watered down in any way. It is a faithful and a very accurate port, just as the author envisioned. The people from Pineapple Works made a really good job! It’s a fine port for sure.

The Nintendo Switch release is planned for late March 2020 and it will be localized to several languages. The exact date and exact languages will be disclosed later.