Stellar Monarch version 1.45

Version 1.45 released

This update contains several small fixes and improvements. It also introduces two small rules regarding how aliens operate, nothing ground breaking, more like stuff that you would intuitively expect (like can’t launch an offensive from a planet with lost orbit control and additional penalties for civilized races which lost their capital world).

– [feature] If a civilized race loses the homeworld they have a much lower chance for initiating a new military plan (fewer offensives).
– [feature] Primitive races (The Hive, Parasites, etc) will not launch an offensive from a planet where they lost orbit control to (under invasion).

– [interface] Added breakdown of stability penalties sources to the Court screen stability tooltip (it might have been confusing in some cases since there are other sources to stability penalties than court factions unbalance).

– [fix] 1.44 Very Big UI running on 4K – the empire customization page is too large and overflows below the screen, with no way to reach the button to start the game.
– [fix] Disallowed dashes in save filenames input box (since that’s not a valid filename).
– [fix] Embargo and truce was not cleared upon New Game start.
– [fix] A few typos/grammar mistakes on Help page.