Stellar Monarch 2 version 1.14

Version 1.14 released

This version is a quality of life update, based on the feedback gathered from the forums and Discord. First of all, I realized many players use modernizations in a different way I anticipated, so some extra features to make manipulation of those easier is in order. Next, various small features like time to research, mass orders for unclaimed planets, etc were implemented. In addition there is now a high score section on the main menu (similar to the one from the first Stellar Monarch) and one measly bug fix.

– [feature] High Score table.

– [interface] Research screen lists research points needed to research the current technology and how many turns it will take.
– [interface] Mass order to claim/abandon claims to all uninhabited planets.
– [interface] Military/Ships modernization screen allows to Uninstall/Install modernizations one by one.
– [interface] Military/Ships total modernizations installed tooltip lists all currently installed modernizations.
– [interface] Military/Ships install modernization buttons list the cost (for easier planning).

– [fix] Minimap mouse coordinates.

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Also, if you have a moment to leave a Steam review of the game it would be appreciated. It makes a big difference to an indie developer like me. Thanks!