Progress report – Legends of Amberland II – 2023, Q3

This is a very boring update since I was working mostly on content so… there is not much to write about really. Very unexciting, yet very important. The short story is I was sitting on my desk making new maps, locations, quests, NPCs and items. And that’s basically it. A steady progress and nothing to write about to be honest.

What was done
Code was finished. New manual was made and around 3/4 of the content was completed. Classes were rebalanced and adjusted a bit.

What’s left
Around 1/4 of the content needs to be done. Then a quality pass needs to be made. Next online achievements, pdf manual and numerous small things. The last part would be linguistic QA and localization, some of it might or might not be done after v1.00. Also preparation of the game code for porting (which is probably a small task since the first game was already ported) and improvement of the gamepad support. Plus a few other things I’m sure have forgotten to put on my todo list.

It all seems good, going slower than expected but within reasonable limits. I guess, if it was a life threating issue, like if someone put the gun to my head, I could release the game in two weeks. I would not do it of course since I want to polish it a bit but overall, playability wise, it’s almost ready in the rough form. So, the game is going to be released somewhere this year, as planned. I would say around the beginning of December but it might or might not be released earlier.